Monday, February 28, 2011
Saat.. menunggu kelahirannya... sungguh di tunggu2 oleh ku & suami ku.. anak sulung kami..
Hasil dari cinta kami.. Allah telah kurniakan kami.. seorang cahaya mata.. perempuan.. yang cukup.. membuatkan hati aku dan suami ku.. cukup bahagia ...
Suami ku menantikan kelahiran seorang zuriat.. hampir 10 tahun.. dalam perkahwinan pertamanya..
akan tetapi.. tiada..
Suami ku memilih ku.. untuk menjadi kan ku isterinya..
hasil berkat kesabaran.. tahun 2007.. ku disahkan hamil.. dan dijangka bersalin pada penghujung feb 2008
Hasilnya pada 25hb Feb 2008... lahirlah seorang bayi perempuan..

Inilah dia.. diberi nama Misha Hanni Raihanna Binti Mahadi...
bermaksud.. sekuntum bunga Rose yang cantik lagi wangi...

Inilah bukti cinta pandang pertama ku & suami ku..

My birthday with my daughter

Salam.. semua.. 25hb Februari tempoh hari.. kami anak beranak menyambut ulang tahun kelahiran.. Emak dah masuk 31tahun.. anak 3 tahun..

seronok bila sama2 sambut hari lahir yang sama..

 tengok.. anak ngan mama.. sama kan... 

kami sama-sama lahir pada 25 februari... 1980 & anak 2008..
i/c nk dekat2 sama... hujung awal cuma terbalik kan jer.. yg hujung belakang.. angka 4 sama

Monday, December 13, 2010


Here are 6 great tips you can use today:

1. Awareness of your own interaction with other people is
the first step in improving your communication skills.

Learn to identify which types of situations make you
uncomfortable and then modify your behavior to achieve
positive results is a critical step in improving your
communication skills.

You can learn to become aware of behaviors in other people
that prompt you to respond in negative ways and modify your
own behavior to turn the situation into a positive

2. You must accept responsibility for your own behavior and
do not fear apologizing for errors in judgment or
insensitive actions.

Asking others for honest feedback about the way you
interact with others can be very helpful. Accept the
negative feedback along with the positive and make changes

3. Your non-verbal communication is equally as important as
the things that you say. Positive body language is
extremely important in your interactions with other people.

If your words and your actions do not match, you will have
a difficult time succeeding in social situations.

4. In order to learn how to improve your communication skills, you
must become and great listener. You must fight the urge to
respond immediately and really listen to what the other
person is trying to communicate.

Offering suggestions or criticism before you are certain of
the other person's intent can only lead to frustration for
both parties.

5. Improving your communication skills is a process and cannot be
accomplished overnight. Trying to improve or change too
many things at once will be counter-productive.

You will become discouraged and overwhelmed if you attempt
to change your entire personality all at once. Choose one
or two traits at a time and work on those over a period of
time. Learn to take advantage of your personal strengths
and make a positive impact on others.

6. Maximize your positive personality traits and use them
in your interactions with others. Good communication and
great listening skills are the most important tools you can
use in improving your communication skills.

You can learn how to improve your communication skills by
developing excellent listening skills, learning to resolve
problems and conflicts, understanding body language, and
accepting responsibility for your own negative behavior.

Determination and self-awareness will make your desire to
improve your communication skills a reality.

You can change your life and now is the time to start.

Monday, December 6, 2010

4 Simple Tips to Get Good Communication Skills

At workplace, do you have any project team. Those Project need you to present in a meeting. But the time that given are so short and need you to do fast and excellence.

Today, with new technology and the emphasis on teamwork in 
the workplace, communication skills are a most important
trait to develop.

The phrase "communication skills" might sound frightening,
like developing quantum physics skills or gymnastic skills.
Communication skills, however, encompass a few behaviors
that can become very natural with practice.

Here are some guidelines for developing good communication
skills that you can practice anywhere and at anytime:

1: Eye Contact.

Whether you are speaking or being spoken to, looking into 
the eyes of the person you are in conversation with can 
make the experience much more successful.

Eye contact conveys interest, and encourages your partner to
be interested in you in return. In less intimate settings, 
when giving a speech or when in front of several people, 
holding the eyes of different members of your audience can 
personalize what you are saying and maintain attention.

2: Body Language.

Body language can say so much more than a mouthful of words.

An open stance with arms easily to your side tells anyone 
you are talking to that you are approachable and open to 
hearing what they have to say.

Arms crossed and shoulders hunched, on the other hand, 
suggests disinterest in conversation or unwillingness to 

Often, communication can be stopped before it starts by 
body language that tells people you do not want to talk. 
Good posture and an approachable stance can make even 
difficult conversations flow more smoothly.

3. Have courage to say what you think!

Communication skills begin with simple communication. You 
do not have to discourse of difficult topics to communicate.

Take time each day to be aware of your opinions and 
feelings. When you are aware of what you believe on a 
certain issue, you can better convey those thoughts to 

Individuals who are hesitant to speak because they do not 
feel they have worthwhile opinions need not fear: what is 
important or worthwhile to one person may not be to another 
and may be more so to someone else.

In a world so very big, someone is bound to agree with you, 
or to open your eyes to an even deeper perspective. The 
courage to say what you think can afford you the 
opportunity to learn more than you did before.

4. Speak loudly enough to be heard.

When you are saying what you think, have the confidence to 
say it so as to be heard.

An appropriate volume can inform listeners that you mean 
what you say, you have thought about what you are saying, 
and what you are saying is worth hearing.

An appropriate tone and volume ensure your listeners hear 
exactly what you are saying, and decreases room for 

Communication skills can be practiced every day in settings 
that range from the more social to the more professional.

While some people feel the need to take a special college 
course on communications, or to attend community lectures 
on giving speeches, you might find that these simple 
behavior tips can open up new communication opportunities 
to you.

New skills take time to refine, but each time you use your 
communication skills you open yourself to opportunities and 
future friendships.